Sunday, December 22, 2013

Pregnancy 101: Everything You Need To Know

By Hanson Brightley

Some amount of stress is quite common for most pregnant women. All moms to be want a perfect pregnancy without any problems. To be as healthy as possible during your pregnancy, it's important to learn all you can. This article has some wonderful pregnancy advice for you.

When you are pregnant, it is perfectly acceptable to vent a little. Being pregnant is difficult, especially during the third trimester. Just because you're having a hard time and feel like venting isn't something that means you're not grateful that you're about to have a child.

Talk to friends with newborns to learn more. The more you can learn from them, the better off you'll be.

Remember that your bladder is going to have less room, and plan so that you will still be able to sleep throughout the night as long as possible. Be sure you drink plenty of water daily, however, you should slow down after your dinner. Stop prior to bed. If you do this, you should cut out the number of times you need to run to the bathroom during the night.

If the majority of your meals are healthy, there is nothing wrong with giving in to cravings. The body craves what it needs, and it just may be trying to tell you something. With another little person depending on you for nourishment, you burn considerably more calories. Indulge your cravings, at least in moderation!

Try to incorporate a doula into your life. A doula is a person who is essentially a birth coach. They are a wealth of information on pregnancy, as well as a calming presence. Also, a doula can make you feel very comfortable in a time of high stress.

Be sure that you have a flu shot given to you when you get pregnant. A weak immune system can lead to catching the flu. This can be a danger for your child and you.

Stretching your legs before you go to sleep can help you avoid leg cramps in the middle of the night. There are few pregnant women who cannot recount a night spent waking up with knots in their legs. Doing some stretches before bed is a good way to stave off such cramping.

Be sure that you take your prenatal vitamins and that you read what labor is like so you're well prepared for it. Exercise and a good diet is going to provide your baby with the right nutrients and keep you in a shape that you're happy with even after the baby's birth.

Use alternative treatments for illnesses. Most OTC drugs contain harmful medicines that your unborn child can not handle. Lots of natural remedies, which can treat nausea, heartburn, and constipation, can be found online. Also, be sure to ask your physician for any ideas.

Doing kegel exercises is very helpful. You can do these exercises anywhere. Repeat 10 times and hold for 3 seconds. When you are regular with such movements, you will have a stronger pelvic floor and a smoother delivery. They also help with an embarrassing side effect of pregnancy- incontinence.

Try to keep the stress you're suffering from at bay when your pregnant by creating to-do lists while keeping your priorities in line. Try delegating some things to family or friends whenever you can. You can also get things done on your list by yourself.

Find out by using a pregnancy test or by visiting your physician as soon as possible if you suspect there is a possibility that you might be pregnant. Pregnancy problems can arise when women delay confirming their pregnancy.

During your pregnancy, take the time to talk with your partner about who will take care of the child. Sometimes it all falls on Mommy's shoulders, and this is unfair. Designating newborn related responsibilities can help to resolve potential issues before they even arise and ensure that you both agree on things.

It is easy to see that there is a lot of information available for pregnant women. While not every tip may apply to you, you never know when something may happen that you are not prepared for. Enjoying your pregnancy is important, so be sure to find out everything you can.

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What You Can Do To Affect Your Pregnancy

By Ian Lenny

When most people decide that they want to have a child, they start to consider what they can do to boost their chances of conception. One of the first things many people can do is search for methods to determine if the female in the couple is most fertile. Almost all such fertility tracking systems depend on a woman's period, and where she is in her own cycle.

Since most women have a 28 day cycle you will have to base your calculations around that instead of a standard monthly calendar. Most people will first need to verify that the woman's period is actually 28 days as some women's period length can fluctuate. From there most experts agree the most fertile time is from the 14th-17th day of the cycle. This is because around day 14 the hormones peak for 2-3 days before the egg is released.

During this 2-3 day period the egg is viable. Most people mistakenly assume that they ave a 1-3 day period during which conception is most likely to take place should a couple take part in sexual activity. What people do not realize is the fact that sperm can live in the woman's body for approximately 6 days after lovemaking. For this reason and time from 3 days before until 3 days following the woman's hormone peak is easily the most fertile period. This implies that whenever from a woman's 11th day to a woman's 17th day of her cycle will be the ideal time for a couple to engage in sexual activity whenever they want a child.

Another extremely prevalent misconception is the fact that a couple can affect the sex of the baby by being sexually active at different times, or assuming different sexual positions. This is often a misconception which has caused untold levels of pain as folks are then more likely to blame themselves should they conceive the wrong gender. Many cultures used calendars to track what times couples will be most likely to have a particular gender. Statistically speaking this does make sense. However science supports the idea that usually couple have a 50/50 possibility of having either gender baby. These many misconceptions about conception may cause untold psychological suffering. In the end the majority of what couples worry about is up to fate.

Another extremely prevalent misconception is the fact that a couple can impact the sex of their baby by being sexually active at different times, or assuming different sexual positions. This is a misconception that has caused untold amounts of pain as people are then more likely to blame themselves should they conceive the wrong gender. Many cultures have used calendars to track what times couples are going to be most likely to have a particular gender. Statistically speaking this really does make sense. However science supports the idea that usually couple have a 50/50 chance of having either gender baby. These many misconceptions about conception may cause untold psychological suffering. In the end nearly all what couples worry about is up to fate.

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Helpful Pregnancy Tips That Will Prove Useful

By Milard Espiritu

You are definitely going to gain weight as a pregnant woman, since after all you are eating for yourself and a growing baby. Gaining weight might be unavoidable, but you can still make it easier for yourself to shed that weight once you have delivered. You will find some excellent tips here to help you navigate through your pregnancy in fine form.

If you do not feel well while you are pregnant, you should not hesitate to decline any invitations to social events. Everyone should be quite understanding of the challenges you face at this period in your life. Fatigue and nausea often accompany pregnancy. If you do not feel well, do not demand so much of yourself.

Taking a prenatal vitamin prior to pregnancy is a smart and safe idea. The first trimester is when your baby is developing their neural system which includes their spinal cord and brain. You need to ensure that you get adequate amounts of certain nutrients, and a good prenatal vitamin is your best insurance.

If you are planning to travel while you are pregnant, discuss it with your doctor first. It's a good idea to pack a copy of your medical records, too, in case anything occurs while you are gone.

To prevent stomach upset at the beginning of your pregnancy, eat small meals. You will have a small amount of food in your stomach at all times but not enough to make you feel ill. Eat fresh, light foods that won't weigh on your stomach. Simple fruits and vegetables can make a big difference in keeping your stomach healthy.

Visit the hospital where you will be giving birth. Ask for a tour and to meet the staff. This helps you become more confident. Dads should do this, especially since they are going to be the principal communicator that day when you go into labor.

Be sure that you understand what all the indications of a premature labor are. Do as much research on this subject, so you can contact your doctor should you experience these symptoms.

Many people get super excited when it comes to decorating the nursery that their baby will be living in. Be careful to think about the fumes you may be exposing your fetus to. It is much safer if there is good ventilation in the room. It's a good idea to have people help you to paint so that you don't have to do all the work.

Be certain you know all premature labor signs. Make sure you consult with a doctor and read as much information as you can.

You should not go ahead and give in to all of your pregnancy cravings. Both you and your unborn child have particular nutritional requirements. Indulging in too many cravings will fill you up and not leave room for the healthy foods that you and your baby need to be healthy.

You should be able to look at your pregnancy as a joyful time. You can expect to feel better and enjoy every moment by using the informative tips in the article above.

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Terrific Tips For Being Your Best During Pregnancy

By Mark Shayn

When you are pregnant, you can feel like you practically live at your obstetrician's office. It is extremely important to attend all of your obstetrical appointments during the course of your pregnancy, so the doctors can monitor how you and the baby are doing. This is a great time to address any concerns you might be having. This article will give you tips for being prepared for your doctor visits.

Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep each night. You need around 8 hours. Getting the right amount of sleep will help you to feel good, and it will also help your fetus to grow. During pregnancy many people feel very tired, and it is important to give your body what it needs.

When you need bigger clothes, buy them. This will make you feel more relaxed during the process. You shouldn't think buying your maternity clothes early is embarrassing. Only you can find what is flattering and comfortable on you.

To ensure the best nutrients for the baby and you, adjust your eating habits. If you had a habit of consuming a lot of fatty foods before becoming pregnant, you need to change your lifestyle quickly. Starting today, eat more lean protein, fruits and vegetables.

Use alternative treatments for illnesses. Some over-the-counter drugs are harmful to a fetus. You can find a lot of natural cures online, especially for things such as nausea, constipation and heartburn. Talk to your doctor for even more tips and tricks.

If you are not sure how to handle a child or a newborn, talk to the mothers that you know. Offer to babysit for them. This way you are getting some experience, and your friend is getting a well deserved break from being a mother. Just keep in mind that no two children are the same!

Add 300-500 calories a day to your diet while you are pregnant. Don't forget you are eating for two so you definitely need to increase your caloric intake. Make sure however that you are adding healthy calories into your diet. Adding 500 calories of junk food isn't going to do anything to help you and the baby.

Learn the signs of labor so that you will know when it is time to call the doctor and start heading to the hospital. We have all heard the stories of women giving birth in the car on the way. The earlier you can respond to labor starting, the more time you give yourself to get to where you need to go.

Once you have determined if you are having a boy or girl it is a good time to start decorating a room and picking out clothes. The more time you have before the baby actually arrives to prepare the better because the room will turn out nicer and you'll have more time to select better clothes.

Do not let stretch marks stress you out, as they are completely unavoidable for many women. While applying cocoa butter and other creams may help to lessen the itching and irritation that comes along with rapid stretching of the skin, they cannot do much to prevent the marks themselves.

Stay away from anything that could harm you or your baby. This includes cigarettes, alcohol and even over-the-counter medications. Talk to your doctor about anything you are considering taking and let them advise you on the best course of action. All these substances could have a negative impact on your unborn child's development.

Pregnancy can be a stressful time for couples. So it is better to work on relationship issues as they arise than waiting until after the baby arrives. Counseling can help couples communicate better and strengthen your relationship, which in turn will help you both be better prepared to handle your new baby as partners.

To help ward off nausea try snacking on something bland throughout the day, like whole wheat crackers or cheerios. Keeping your stomach slightly full alleviates most nausea. Some women also find that eating crystallized ginger or drinking ginger tea to be very helpful. Experiment with healthy snacks to find out what works for you.

For a healthy pregnancy avoid harsh chemicals like bleach and other household cleaners. These tasks can be delegated to a trusted family member such as your husband or older children. Pregnant women should also avoid get their hair colored or permed during the first trimester when the baby's organs are developing.

Your doctor will test your iron levels on a regular basis, and you should also keep an eye on your intake. When you are pregnant, having a deficiency in iron can cause extreme fatigue. Also, it can cause your baby to be born underweight. Iron that comes from food sources has a higher bio-availability and is better tolerated.

Watch your intake of fish during your pregnancy. Many fish have levels of methylmercury that are unsafe for consumption while you are pregnant. Mercury is toxic to the baby's neurological system. The worst offenders of mercury levels are shark, king mackerel, and swordfish so stay far away from those.

Try to stick with a consistent sleeping and waking schedule to alleviate the fatigue common with pregnancy. Keeping a regular bed time and wake time helps set your internal clock and can improve the quality of your sleep as well. Keep to your routine even on weekends or other days without commitments to improve your overall energy levels.

It is always important to eat healhty, but when you are pregnant it is even more important. To keep your pregnancy running smooth and to have a healthy baby you should eat a variety of foods from each of the recommended food groups and make sure your diet is well balanced.

Hit up the bookstore or library and get books about pregnancy. Being armed with knowledge will help you deal with all the changes that your body will go through and teach you how to keep yourself healthy. Pregnancy is natural, but the more information you have about the process, the better it will go.

Make sure you are educated about pregnancy. There are so many books and websites that you can read that will help you out. If you know what is supposed to be going on, it will calm your nerves, and you will also be able to tell if something is wrong.

Before you get pregnant you should read a book about being pregnant. This way you will know what to expect during pregnancy. Pregnancy books can also teach you many different things you may not have known about being pregnant. You will learn new things along with terminology about pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a gradual learning process. Reading books on the topic can be really educational and often will help soothe your nerves. There are a lot of different things that you will encounter during each stage. Be proactive, and take charge of your experience of pregnancy.

Finding an online support group while pregnant is a great idea. You can meet a wide range of mothers while talking about your pregnancy and feelings about pregnancy. Choose a group that fits your personality and remember not everyone is going to have the same experiences as you do.

You should be enjoying your pregnancy from start to finish, and with these helpful tips, you can give yourself the relief you need, knowing just what to expect from beginning to end. You can use these tips to have a very comfortable and relaxing pregnancy in which you aren't stressing, but enjoying your role in bringing a new life into the world.

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Friday, December 20, 2013

Pregnancy And Antenatal Testing

By Gardelee Benandanio

As you get further into your pregnancy your physician will wish to do numerous tests these are referred to as antenatal tests. These test are just normal routine tests. Your doctor should tell you the objective of each test that is being done.You'll generally have your weight checked even though some doctors are not really keen on it anymore as this varies a lot, as there are expectant mothers who gain very little and those who gain many pounds. A great deal of the additional weight comes from the child however the rest of it originates from the body creating fat reserves so that the mother can make breast milk over the next couple of months.

A sample of your urine needs to be checked often to make certain it doesn't contain protein. Protein within the urine may be harmful as this generally indicates there's a condition referred to as pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia frequently causes women to have fits similar to epilepsy, as a rule your physician may also examine your blood-pressure to make an accurate diagnosis.

Pre-eclampsia will cause flashing lights and spots to appear before an expectant mother's eyes. Your doctor will also check your blood pressure as an elevated blood pressure is part of this condition. Your blood tests are often done to find out several things such as if you are rhesus positive or negative because if you are pregnant and rhesus negative, then injections are required very early in the pregnancy to prevent a miscarriage. There is usually a great risk of this happening if the woman has had a child before or even a miscarriage. Blood tests also check for anemia which happens quite a bit in pregnancy and you will need to get supplements if your blood count gets low.

Blood tests also help your doctor to detect whether or not you are suffering from anemia which causes a low blood count, this is quite common in pregnancy and must be treated with iron supplements. Your blood tests will also detect whether or not you have HIV. HIV infections must be treated immediately so that it doesn't infect the child.

By 18 to 20 weeks all pregnant women would have been given at least one ultrasound, at 18 to 20 weeks you can identify defects and also find out the gender most of the times. This is usually the part that most expectant couples find the most exciting as they will finally know if they are having a little boy or a little girl so that they can know which color baby clothes to purchase and how to decorate the nursery.

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Exercising During Pregnancy

By Kasehehr Caferir

Some women tend to believe that when they are pregnant it is time to eat as much of the things they like as possible and to kick back, relax and not engage in any form of physical activity. This should not necessarily be the case. As much as is possible, pregnancy is a time to stay active and keep your energy levels up, about two and a half hours per week of exercise is good and should be divided into as many sections as you can manage at a time. It relieves stress and is a great way to help you feel better about your changing figure. However there are those women who really should not take the risk of exercising. If you are pregnant and have issues with anemia, high blood pressure, an incompetent cervix, or heart problems then exercising is off limits during pregnancy. If you are carrying multiples such as twins and triplets then exercising is also not recommended in these situations. Women who have high blood pressure, diabetes and have issues with anemia are also advised to stay away from exercise as this may cause them to have miscarriages or hurt their chances of carrying a baby to term which may result in pre-mautre births.

Lately, there has been a sprout of exercise videos that are directly targeting pregnant women as fitness guru's begin to realize that pregnant women are still very much interested in keeping in shape just like everyone else. In fact, pregnant women tend to have a lot more concerns when it comes to fitness than the average person, many of them are anxious and are really interested in ways that will keep them fit without harming their baby.

There are of course some exercises that are totally off limits during pregnancy, these include, gymnastics, horseback, riding or any sport where you might fall. Sports like kickboxing, soccer and basketball which are all contact sports can cause you to hit your belly and put you at risk for miscarriage. Underwater activities such as diving and scuba diving are absolutely out of the question.

Even if you don't feel like exercising now you might feel that you need to exercise after you have given birth in order to get yourself in shape and get your figure back. You may start as soon as you feel up to it, exercise actually helps ward off post partum depression, which sometimes affects women by making them depressed after giving birth.

Sometimes women don't feel the need to exercise while they are pregnant or they may stop for health reasons, they may however change their minds once they have had their babies and feel a great need to get themselves back into shape. Exercising post pregnancy is a great way to ward off post-partum depression as many chemicals that affect mood are released during exercise and this has a positive effect in warding off the depression. Whether before or after pregnancy, exercise is a great way for women to keep fit and feel great about themselves.

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Pregnancy Stretchmarks 101

By Natalgia Rysen

Being pregnant is not always a walk in the park. Despite the fact that women are predominantly happy when they are pregnant, many of them cannot deny that there are aspects of pregnancy that they can do without. These things include morning sickness, nausea, bloatedness as well as stretchmarks. This things can really make pregnancy an unbearable experience. Stretchmarks, in particular, are a very big cause of concern for many women. In fact, there are women who often decide never to get pregnant for fear that thy will end up with stretchmarks. This way of thinking is usually brought upon by common misconceptions that people continue to spread. Here are the five common misconceptions people have regarding pregnancy and stretchmarks.

Stretchmarks are generally permanent - the explanation for this myth emanates from the fact that stretchmarks often seem like scars. Given that scars are generally permanent, along with stretch marks seems like scars, it goes to show that stretchmarks are usually permanent. This flawed logic perpetuated the misconception and made many women frightened to get pregnant. The truth is that stretchmarks can certainly be eliminated by having a number of treatments. You can buy Argan oil, it really is one efficient treatment. You can check out any Argan oil review, not merely one doesn't mention about Argan oil being effective in treating stretchmarks.

Stretchmarks are only caused by pregnancy - while pregnant girls often get stretchmarks, no mean that they are the only ones who do. Males and females who aren't knocked up will also get stretchmark through a various reasons. It is not a skin condition that is exclusive to pregnant women only.

Stretchmarks are caused by the growing baby - people often mistake that pregnancy stretchmarks are caused by the baby bump that stretches the skin on a woman's belly. This is wrong. The real cause of stretchmarks in pregnant women is hormones and not overstretched skin. Science backs this up. If a woman is able to get the right amount of hormones, her skin will get elastic enough that stretchmarks are avoided.

Stretchmarks disappear right after the woman gives birth - some individuals ensure women who are undergoing their first pregnancy that their stretchmarks will disappear once they give birth. Unfortunately, while this may be true for some, it is not really a guarantee that all women who give birth should expect their stretchmarks will disappear as soon as their toddlers are born.

Stretchmarks are unavoidable - believe it or not, this is a myth. In fact, stretchmarks can be avoided through a number of ways. To start with, it is dependent on one's diet. Then it also depends on skin care and choosing the right cream or lotion for it.

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Preparing For Pregnancy

By Rey Vetangelo

Preparing for pregnancy can be an extremely exciting time for a couple. There are many things that a couple must do to prepare, and there is much work to be done both before and after conception that a couple can undertake together. Preparing for the arrival of a child can and should start even before the pregnancy test shows a positive result.

There are multiple things that a couple can do to prepare for the arrival of their new child and several ways for the mother to prepare herself for the nine month trial of pregnancy. Pregnancy can be tough, and that is an understatement. But those mothers who take the time to prepare a head of time can, if nothing else, position themselves for a better chance at a smooth pregnancy and child birth.

This is the time to take on some of the chores that she usually does. Give her a break and let her relax. You may make dinner or just make the house clean so she can relax. Either way she will love it and love you for it.

As the community learned about Alanna and her children, they were amazed. Alanna's 13-year-old daughter suffers from a very fast-moving form of muscular dystrophy. This month alone, she had to go through 20 hours of two surgeries to straighten her spine. Her other children, Mitchell, 18, Brooke, 16, and Riley, 15, were all living in the small home, just trying to survive. During the winter months their toilet would often freeze over because of the lack of heat in the bathroom.

A foot massage, a neck massage, whatever massage you choose can help her relax and feel loved. Pregnancy can add some pains to the body and the only relief sometimes can come from long baths and massages. Make sure that you treat her to both and give her a break so she isn't so achy and stressed.

4 months later Alanna was able to have the baby with less financial strain thanks to the help of good neighbors and community members. We can all make a difference in other's lives especially when we are standing on stable ground ourselves. Sometimes when we lack that stability and try and help it can be catastrophic. This is the purpose of having a good affordable family health insurance program that can keep you on your feet, running to save the rest of the neighborhood.

Women like Alanna are a dime a dozen and this story really teaches us the value of community. Reaching out and making friends is the best way to create security at home.

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